This short film, "Carga," tells the story of two young boys in a small fishing village who are forced to take part in illegal drug trafficking. When the older one plans an escape, the younger one is left to deal with the challenges of being left behind.
"Carga" has received numerous awards and recognitions at various film festivals, including Best Film at the New York Portuguese Short Film Festival, Best Portuguese Fiction Short Film at the Leiria Film Fest, and several Best Director and Best Short Film awards from different Shortcutz festivals. It was also an official selection at international film festivals like Bogoshorts (Colombia), Festival De Cine De Madrid (Spain), and many others.
For more information, you can visit the film's page on IMDb.
Luís Campos
Humberto Rocha, Luís Campos (Squatter Factory)
Um Segundo Filmes, Agente a Norte
Victor Carvalho
Luís Filipe Teixeira
Maurício d'Orey
Romeu Pinto
Beatriz Montenegro
Carla Soares
Wouter Suyderhoud
Manuel Costa
Jesse Hovestreijdt
Jessica Akkermans
Filmmore Amsterdam
Igor Ramos
C.M. Ovar, Direcção Reginal da Cultura do Norte
Fundação Calouste Guilbenkian
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